Labs/Seminare (Master)

Our suggested topics are listed below. If you have found a topic, please send us an exposé. You can use the LaTeX template from here.

The deadline for the submission of the exposés is 01.09.24. You will receive feedback from us on whether you have been accepted for the topic by 16.09.24.

Lab - 10 years of No one can hack my mind: Replication/Extension Study

In light of the 10-years-anniversary of the original publication, we want to replicate the "No one can hack my mind" study ten years later, including conducting interviews with experts a survey with end users, and additional re-analysis of the data collected in the Usecap-courses. Choose which aspect to work on!

Seminar - Overview of Developer-Centered Usable Security

Developer-Centered Usable Security (DCUS) is an interesting subfield of Usable Security and Privacy, where participants in empirical studies are e.g. software developers, administrators, or other expert-level participants, or their proxies. This seminar will provide an overview over recent research in this field.

Seminar - Gamification of ethical dilemmas

The goal of this seminar is to find and evaluate different gamified approaches to observing a players reaction to ethical dilemmas (e.g. the Moral Machine).

Lab or Projektgruppe - Interview study about attitudes on client-side scanning

Replicate an interview study on attitudes on client-side scanning among professionals of diverse fields, such as law and legislation, ethics, social sciences, or law enforcement.

Lab or Projektgruppe - LLMs and ethical dilemmas

Analyze how different variables, such as language model architecture or prompt design, influence how an LLM will react to ethical dilemmas.

Projektgruppen (Bachelor)

Unsere Themenvorschläge sind links aufgelistet. Wenn du ein Thema gefunden hast, sende uns bitte ein Expose zu. Für das Expose kannst du dieses LaTeX-Template nutzen.

Die Deadline für die Abgabe der Exposés ist am 01.09.24. Eine Rückmeldung von uns, ob du für das Thema angenommen wurdest, gibt es bis zum 16.09.24.

10 Jahre No One Can Hack My Mind - Replikation und Erweiterung

In Anbetracht des 10. Jahrestags der Originalveröffentlichung  möchten wir die "No one can hack my mind" Studie 10 Jahre später replizieren, inklusive Experteninterviews, Umfrage mit Endnutzern, sowie ggf. zusätzlicher Analyse der Daten aus den USECAP-Kursen. Auswahl eines zu bearbeitenden Aspekts möglich!

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