Klaus Tulbure

Klaus Tulbure

Ph.D. Student

Room: 2.009

Phone: 0228 73 xxxxx

As scientific assistant, I’m focusing on security related program analyses, especially on fuzzing.

My research goal is to ease the usage of program analyses so that developers and test can better find vulnerabilities and bugs. For that, I’m following different approaches:

  • I’m developing novel workflows for state-of-the-art program analysis tools to improve their usability.
  • I’m improving the steps of existing fuzzing tools.
  • I’m combining and enhancing several distinct program analyses to provide a higher quality of the analysis results. If you are interested in collaboration, feel free to contact me.

My current Projects:

User Guided Fuzzing Developing new workflows for the interaction with fuzzers.

Combined program analyzes Enhancing fuzzing by using further static and dynamic program analyzes.

  • Software analyses
  • Fuzzing
  • Usability of software analysis tools
  • Master in Computer Science, 2018

    Universität Bonn

  • Bachelor in Computer Science, 2015

    Universität Bonn