Seminar - Overview of Data Management Plans

Data management plans can help researchers maintain the confidentiality and security of the personal information of study participants. This seminar will provide an overview of existing data management plan templates.

Maintaining security and confidentiality is crucial in human subjects research to protect participants from potential harm by data leaks and to uphold trust in the research process. Ensuring these ethical standards not only safeguards individuals but also preserves the integrity of future studies.

Data Management Plans (DMPs) can help achieving these objectives by providing structured guidelines for handling personal data responsibly.

Your task could be:

Your goal in this seminar is to get a comprehensive overview over templates for data management plans and to summarize the findings. This includes:

  • Reviewing and comparing existing Data Management Plan (DMP) templates.
  • Identifying key components that ensure data security and confidentiality in human subjects research.


Avatar Martius

Florin Martius

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