Master - Seminar - Overview of Developer-Centered-Security

Developer-Centered Usable Security (DCUS) is an interesting subfield of Usable Security and Privacy, where participants in empirical studies are e.g. software developers, administrators, or other expert-level participants, or their proxies. There have been both quantitative [1] and qualitative reviews [2] of this research field. To keep the overview of DCUS up to date, this seminar will collect DCUS top tier papers according to the criteria in [1] and provide an overview over the research methods used in these papers.

Your tasks:

  • Conduct a literature research for DCUS papers published from 2022 onwardsin the conferences  SOUPS, USENIX Security, S&P, CCS, and additionally ICSE and the USP tracks of CHI
  • Extract information about the research methods (e.g. data collection methods, qualitative/quantitative) 
  • Summarize the state of the field with respect to the research methods, and e.g. authors/groups active in this field


[1] Ortloff, A. M., Tiefenau, C., & Smith, M. (2023). SoK: I Have the (Developer) Power! Sample Size Estimation for Fisher’s Exact, Chi-Squared, McNemar’s, Wilcoxon Rank-Sum, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank and t-tests in Developer-Centered Usable Security.

[2] Tahaei, M., & Vaniea, K. (2019). A survey on developer-centred security. 


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Anna-Marie Ortloff

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