Master - Seminar - How is usability measured in usable security and privacy?

Supervisor: Anna-Marie (

This seminar is suitable for a group.

Many studies in the field of Usable Security and Privacy include usability evaluations of some technology, security measure or procedure. Various measures are used to measure usability and its components, effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, in these studies.

Your task

  • Go through papers published at one of the below listed conferences and list all the ways usability is measured in the papers.
  • Write a short summary for each of the papers, how usability is measured in them
  • Write an overview over which usability measures are used in the papers you examined

If more than one student is interested in this topic, each will be assigned to one of the conferences, or a specific year/years of a conference. They differ in size, but we will make sure that each student will have the same amount of work. The first step is to identify the usability measures that authors used. Once there is a complete list, it is possible to group the usability measures and describe use cases for each of them.

List of possible conferences:

Literature to start with:
